
Showing posts from July, 2018

Bremen....with the Worst Tour Guide!!!!!!

Throughout my time here in Italy, my German friend and fellow employee exchange colleague, Uwe, kept bugging me to meet up with him somewhere in Europe.  The timing was never right.  I had some time off so I started planning a trip into the Umbria region.  Unfortunately constantly planning adventures gets tiresome! I was not in the mood to plan anything.  It is difficult being a tourist for three months! Ding! I received a WhatsApp message from Uwe asking how things were.  With little sympathy for myself I told him my horrible plight of not wanting to plan a long weekend getaway.  This is the moment Uwe offered his couch in Bremen and to be my tour guide in Germany! Upon my arrival we headed to Uwe’s company, ILT, which is my company’s counterpart for all German shipments.   Once again I get to put faces to the names in the numerous email interactions over the past five years! After quick introductions and Uwe tying up a few things for the day we were off! Down the yellow