Over the Vicenza Hills

Saturday Simone took me for my first bike ride into the hills.  From my apartment we started our journey towards Montecchio.  Our journey began on the main roads until we hit a pleasant flat trail where many Vicenzans strolled enjoying the weather. Vicenza and I think many cities in Italy are very bike and pedestrian friendly.  So far this biking thing is a breeze………until we hit the first road uphill. It just kept going then a 180 degree turn but still kept going up, up, and up!  But I was determined to keep up with my tour guide even though my quads started to burn. But atlas a picturesque moment as an excuse to stop and smell the roses……..breathe, drink, and snap a few photos.  Off we go again and my legs are on fire! But I look down at my trusty blue bike and trekked along like the Little Engine that could……I think I can I think I……dammit my gear didn’t catch and I lost all my momentum! At this moment Simone suggested we walk.  Whew! I am a really good on my feet!

As we continued our climb I have surrendered and accepted my current capabilities of ascending Italian hills.  I paused often to click the camera, rode a wee bit, and walked until we hit a fork between the road and a trail. The road led to a castle……and not just any castle! Romeo’s castle! I have seen this castle and the one next to it, Juliette’s castle from the roads below beckoning me like Juliet on her balcony. But Simone’s plan was to take the trail, although he offered to change course towards the ruined fortress.  To be or not to be! Always trust the locals is my philosophy, so I declined his offer and wheeled towards the tree covered lane. Wherever Simone was taking me was probably more enchanting than these love-struck castles.

View of Romeo’s Castle where the trail and road meet.  For more pictures and brief history of the Romeo & Juliette story can be found at the end of the blog. 

Within moments peeking through the forest was another view of Romeo & Juliet’s castles and yes an enchanting background was upon me! I enjoyed this moment because the next thing I knew we……..I white knuckled the trail down its bumpy slope. I have found my limitations on a bike! Going downhill, especially with crazy fearless Simone, is close to my fear of heights! Yes the breeze was brushing my bangs out of my face, but I could only envision my life flashing before my eyes. Oh my GOD!  Thank God! We started ascending up the trails.  My legs ached but I didn’t care! Anything but downhill on the rocks and stones, because they will break my bones! The trail opened to a road with an abandoned but beautiful structure. As we continued our journey, the castles began to get smaller and two villages ahead were coming into focus!  Our breaks became more frequent, but not for my legs. It was the scenery that stopped my feet from pedaling, the breathless moments of sun, landscape, and mountains! It was the smell of freshly cut hay, whiffs of wisteria, and I swear even sunshine has its own scent. And the sounds of birds singing, tractors mowing, and cars whizzing by.  All of it was so peaceful. Do I dare to continue? What if the next view isn’t as captivating? Fortunately all of it has its place in this world and I want to experience it all!

FINALLY!! It has been too humid and hazy but today the snowy mountaintops were in clear view beyond the hill towns. I finally have pictures to share of the mountains! You would think I was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde going from quiet and at peace to the giddy energetic ginger many of you know! Garda was when I started to let loosen up a bit…..you know blossom showing my true redheaded nature.  Before I was quietly observing, soft spoken (yes it is possible), taking mental notes, and on my best behavior.  But Garda and these hills I cannot contain my excitement! As my fellow Crossfittin’ friends may remember there was a time I was the shy Therese but as time went on the fiery T started to come out until one day full throttle T-Step was here to stay!  Well today I started to show my true colors, but no worries just a little ginger shined………so far! Just a few squeals and trotting from the mountainside of the hill to the other side where Vicenza and all its inhabitants were settled below. Sometimes lowly singing as we biked and smiling and taking in my surroundings. Okay maybe heaven has water and mountains?

We biked through our last village, but it was too early to go home and Simone promised a bikeside lunch! Nonetheless I quietly trusted and followed my guide, even a detour through a field and a muddy path.  We were near the beginning in the flat valley with the hills above us. My legs were still itching to go! Go! Go! Woot! Woot! We started up another incline! Pedal to the metal we climbed until we hit a spot for lunch!  On the side of the road we had a romantic standing picnic of ciabatta bread, sopressa (salami), Asiago cheese, and mortadella (baloney), Simone’s favorite.  With full bellies we were off again.  Last stop Romeo and Juliet’s castle! We stopped at Romeo’s castle which was closed. In the summertime it hosts concerts, perhaps I will go to one! In Juliet’s castle we had an afternoon coffee with a 360 degree view of the life below us and a fantastic view of Romeo’s castle.  The majestic and delicate castles are beautiful up close, but the view on the top mesmerized me.  Observing Romeo’s castle amongst the vines, envisioning what it had once appeared to Juliet captived my attention.  Simone promised an incredible day and he proved to be true to his word!  Ride ride ride your bike gently up the hill! Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream!

More pictures and History of the Castles below!!!

 Castelli di Giuletta e Romeo
Romeo and Juliette are fictional characters that Luigi Da Porto wrote the original story in 1524. It was Shakespeare that reprised it as a play.  Luigi Da Porto wrote this story based on his own heartbreaking love story.  From his villa he could see these two castles Castello della Villa (Romeo’s castle) and Castello Bellaguardia (Juliet’s castle) which he used as the homes of his characters. However the story takes place in Verona, a nearby city.  So the castles and their descriptions are used in the novel but located in Verona not Montecchio. There is more history of this love story in Verona, which you will have to read about in my next blog post!!!!

Next post: Week 2 - Garda, Almost Germany, Verona, Roma, and more?!?!?! Who's to say!


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